Salman Khan welcomes Priyanka Chopra on board for Bharat saying “humari film Hindi hai!”
We had revealed to you exclusively that Priyanka Chopra will be a part of Salman Khan’s Bharat. The official announcement came out yesterday (April 17), making all the Salman and Priyanka fans jump and dance. However, wait till you see how the superstar welcomed the global icon on board for the film. While welcoming her back to India and Bollywood, Salman posted a hilarious tweet, reminding Priyanka that Bharat is a Hindi film. He posted on Twitter, “#Bharat. welcomes u back home @priyankachopra. See u soon. By the way humari film Hindi hai. @atulreellife @aliabbaszafar #Eid2019.”
For those of you who don’t know, after a lot of speculations, Priyanka has been finalised as the main lead for Bharat. Several actresses including Shraddha Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Katrina Kaif were linked to the project, but PeeCee has been chosen for the part and we can’ keep calm. Priyanka and Salman will reunite after 12 years, their last film being Salaam-E-Ishq. This has got everyone excited for Bharat even before it goes floors. According to our sources, Katrina Kaif will also be a part of the movie and while she will play a pivotal role, it will be Salman – Priyanka’s show all the way. Anyway, how excited are you for Bharat? Share with us your thoughts in the comments section below
Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar and produced by Atul Agnihotri, Bharat is the official remake of Korean film – Ode To My Father. The film will see Salman don five different looks as the story pans from his childhood to adulthood to his old age. Salman has already given a look test and from what we hear, the film will go on floors in May. Slated to release during Eid 2019, this one is going to be a must watch. In the meantime, stay tuned to BollywoodLife as we get you all the dope and updates about Salman Khan‘s Bharat right here.
We had revealed to you exclusively that Priyanka Chopra will be a part of Salman Khan’s Bharat. The official announcement came out yesterday (April 17), making all the Salman and Priyanka fans jump and dance. However, wait till you see how the superstar welcomed the global icon on board for the film. While welcoming her back to India and Bollywood, Salman posted a hilarious tweet, reminding Priyanka that Bharat is a Hindi film. He posted on Twitter, “#Bharat. welcomes u back home @priyankachopra. See u soon. By the way humari film Hindi hai. @atulreellife @aliabbaszafar #Eid2019.”
For those of you who don’t know, after a lot of speculations, Priyanka has been finalised as the main lead for Bharat. Several actresses including Shraddha Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Katrina Kaif were linked to the project, but PeeCee has been chosen for the part and we can’ keep calm. Priyanka and Salman will reunite after 12 years, their last film being Salaam-E-Ishq. This has got everyone excited for Bharat even before it goes floors. According to our sources, Katrina Kaif will also be a part of the movie and while she will play a pivotal role, it will be Salman – Priyanka’s show all the way. Anyway, how excited are you for Bharat? Share with us your thoughts in the comments section below
#Bharat .. welcomes u back home @priyankachopra . See u soon .. By the way humari film Hindi hai ;) . @atulreellife @aliabbaszafar #Eid2019
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) April 18, 2018
Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar and produced by Atul Agnihotri, Bharat is the official remake of Korean film – Ode To My Father. The film will see Salman don five different looks as the story pans from his childhood to adulthood to his old age. Salman has already given a look test and from what we hear, the film will go on floors in May. Slated to release during Eid 2019, this one is going to be a must watch. In the meantime, stay tuned to BollywoodLife as we get you all the dope and updates about Salman Khan‘s Bharat right here.
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